Spring Forward Superlatives 2024
Come along to learn about our latest peer recognition initiative: “Spring Forward Superlatives 2024.” This March, we brought together our New York and US remote teams for an in-office collaboration day and party (check out this blog to learn more). What better way to add a little fun to the mix than celebrating LiveIntenters for their #quirksthatbringussmirks!

We had 11 superlative awards that ranged from giving shine to the pet that brings us the most joy when they pop on screen to the person who we deem our resident comedian. But it wasn’t all just fun and games, we even threw in some good-feels awards like “The Guiding Light” which celebrated the LiveIntenter who embodies wisdom, empathy, and guidance which has positively impacted their colleagues. Through active listening, insightful advice, and unwavering encouragement, they serve as a beacon of inspiration, helping individuals navigate challenges, unlock their full potential, and achieve their goals.

If that doesn’t make you say, “Awwww shucks,” I don’t know what will! Regardless of the title awarded, each individual that won shared with us that they had an overwhelming feeling of surprise and gratitude to be recognized by their peers. And isn’t that what it’s all about?
Putting People First has been a LiveIntent value since 2018. We strive to create an environment where people are valued, feel supported, and are encouraged to provide their best. One strategy we lean into often to create that environment is promoting peer recognition, not just once per year during a review cycle, but ongoing peer recognition.

As we continue to “Spring Forward” into 2024, we plan to bring employees together more through opportunities to meaningfully connect. This not only creates the space for our employees to get to know each other better but is what we believe to be the catalyst for our company culture to continue to evolve. Stay tuned on how we Put People First and its outcomes!