Introducing HIRO, an addressability solution to help brands and publishers thrive in the post third-party cookie era

Google is the last major browser to deprecate third-party cookies, and it will happen before you know it. Only 24% of publishers have a post-cookie solution, and 45% of advertisers are distressed due to multiple browsers phasing out third-party cookies. Although the deprecation of third-party cookies is now expected in 2025, the urgency to prepare remains critical. Without prompt action, advertisers and publishers risk losing the ability to effectively reach a significant portion of their audience. Therefore, to help publishers and brands thrive in this new ecosystem, LiveIntent has launched an addressability solution called HIRO (Helping Identity Reveal Opportunity). 

What is HIRO?

Built on LiveIntent’s Authenticated Bridge framework, HIRO transforms a Publishing brand’s (inclusive of traditional news outlets and retail media publishers) previously non-addressable audiences into addressable inventory using first-party data. This data is collected from media assets already controlled by the publisher to navigate the coming era of third-party cookie deprecation.

HIRO (Helping Identity Reveal Opportunity) is fueled by omnichannel data, identity, and measurement. Coming out of a successful beta, HIRO has helped some publishers enjoy a 40% increase in revenue lift  in third-party cookieless inventory, and driven 10x growth in ad spend for previously cookieless inventory. 


1. Scalable

The HIRO solution is an outcome of LiveIntent engineering’s successful effort to create an interoperable connection for Publishers and Brands to the ecosystem that’s ID agnostic. LiveIntent is delivering an addressability framework powered by email, the original channel built on user controlled preferences. LiveIntent’s solution is buttressed by the Identity Graph that’s built at the intersection of email newsletter and alerts sent by 2500+ Publishers with 900 million hashed emails representing 280mm people across billions of devices.

2. Interoperable and ID agnostic

LiveIntent’s addressability solution is flexible and interoperable, acting as a bridge to other stable identifiers like UID 2.0 and Prebid’s sharedID, which increases the value of the industry-driven prebid.js header bidding solution. The solution is powered by LiveIntent’s differentiated Identity Graph, one of the top 5 in the United States. This scale creates significant and incremental uplift on Publishers’ and Brands’ previously non-addressable traffic.

3. Easy to install and drives immediate revenue growth

This solution can be seamlessly implemented in less than a day, and can be activated via a Prebid module, eliminating the need to activate multiple userID modules. LiveIntent’s solution is integrated with industry giants that drive revenue like: Amazon Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM) and Google Secure Signals. The solution is also integrated with Index, Magnite, the Media Grid and other SSPs and receives bids from the likes of DV360, The Trade Desk, Deepintent, Basis, Adelphic, Amobee, and Quantcast.

Why LiveIntent?

LiveIntent’s approach lines up with what Brand and Publisher are already investing in. Email is already a trusted channel for customer relationship management and marketing automation, which are the heart of marketing. Thousands of publishers already rely on LiveIntent to advertise and market to their first-party email inventory, and LiveIntent is seamlessly bringing that expertise to first-party inventory beyond email (native, CTV, mobile, web, apps, etc). 

LiveIntent’s vision for HIRO envisions a future where the open web thrives on first-party data, advanced addressability, and transparent measurement. This is a seamless outgrowth of LiveIntent’s approach which structures first-party data and builds custom ID graphs, leveraging email and all other media assets in control of the publisher. 

Interested in learning more about how HIRO can help you quickly unlock your cookieless inventory? Get in touch today!