How LiveIntent is supporting publishers via the newsletter, and preparing them for the future with identity

The plight of the modern local Publisher, who so many communities rely on for news that speaks to their needs, is well- known. Our trade publications are inundated with stories of their struggles, and it’s heart-breaking.

That’s why we were pleased this week to read the Adexchanger piece: From To Oregon Live, Newsletters Are Popping During The Pandemic by Sarah Sluis.

The piece focuses on our client, Advance Local, whose sites include, among others, MassLive, and, whose coverage of Rutgers Basketball is the bar for excellence, even in this, the season they were cheated out of their first tournament since 1991! It’s fine, we’ll be back.

The piece contrasts how the email newsletter, a logged-in, measurable, and secure inventory that Publishers own (as opposed to the walled gardens, owned by intermediaries), has been a bright spot during this crisis… “overall newsletter revenue for the, and markets went up 39% in March. even saw a 21% increase in its eCPMs.”

Last week, we released a few numbers that also buoyed the hopes of Publishers, as MediaPost reported that Local Publishers who used LiveIntent had seen a 32% increase in revenue with LiveIntent, and ClickZ reported how advertisers were flocking to our platform, hungry for the great returns that Publisher inventory offers them

LiveIntent is proud to help Publishers take advantage of the Audiences they’ve built. Getting readers to love your content enough to sign up, engage with it, and continue to open email is no easy feat. Here’s what we’ve seen during the course of this crisis

  • Publishers are sending more email: We have seen an uptick in sends from our Publishing partners, who recognize the opportunity to reach people as they’re home, present, and paying attention.

  • More opens and engagement: We’ve seen that audiences are hungry for content relevant to the shifting news cycles and, frankly, a distraction from it. 
  • Advertisers have seen success: We’ve seen our advertising partners take advantage of the logged-in audiences and make real inroads when it comes to finding new audiences for their products.

We’re not just committed to helping our Publishers find new and incremental revenue during this crisis, we’re also committed to helping Publishers control their destiny in the future.

Our Identity solutions, highlighted last week in AdWeek, are built to solve for a future so that the industry can perform measurement and attribution, execute people-based marketing, connect online data to offline data, trigger emails, drive personalization, etc. allowing for the full benefits of marketing in a world with increasing and changing privacy regulations and without the aid of third-party cookies. We’re enabling the benefits of a walled garden to publishers and their brand partners by bridging their first-party data to the ecosystem on their terms.  Learn more about our Identity Solutions here.